Mount Zion Baptist Church Ashford Banner


Sunday Services at 10:30 and 6:00, and the Tuesday evening Bible Study at 7:30 are being held in the Church building, and are also being live streamed.

11 February 2025 7:30pm Bible Study - Psalm 16 (Daniel Hyde)

9 February 2025 10:30am Morning Service -
Once estranged, now reconciled - Ephesians 2 (Norman Hopkins)
9 February 2025 6:00pm Evening Service -
Praise for election - Ephesians 1 (Norman Hopkins)

‘IT IS FINISHED’ John 19.30

These words were spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, at the conclusion of His sufferings on the cross at Calvary. These sufferings were so deep and awesome that for a period of time, God veiled them in darkness over the earth by causing the sun to cease to shine. The priority of the Saviour of the world, having completed the work of salvation, was to provide us with an absolute truth! Such was the commitment of Christ at Calvary that His first priority was to announce to sinners about His work that ‘It is finished.’ He proclaimed the truly wonderful news – He had finished the work God had laid upon Him in living His life perfectly and dying on the cross at Calvary.

The words of the Lord Jesus at Calvary are so important to Christian faith in providing assurance! A Christian rests on the Words of a Perfect Man who is Truth in Person!

When Jesus said the words ‘It is finished’ they were words of victory – love – grace – hope to sinners. Salvation depends upon the truth of them.

These words contain an eternal truth, true forever and ever. In Heaven, our praise to our Redeemer will rejoice in this wonderful truth ‘It is finished’. I am secure in Christ – I am complete in Christ – I am saved in Christ – I am blessed in Christ. The eternal assurance of this rests in the words of Jesus Christ the Lord, ‘It is finished’. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is in Heaven now, with a glorified body that shows the evidence of His finished work on Calvary, and we can come to Him in our need as sinners, and find forgiveness and reconciliation with God in Him.

Please follow this link for further information about the Gospel of God


Sunday Morning Worship
Morning Service 10:30am

Sunday Evening Worship
Evening Service 6:00pm

Sunday School
Sunday School 2:30pm

Tuesday Evening Worship
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 7:30pm

This Church continues in prayer each day unto God, trusting in Him!

James Buss

Steve Jakeman
Peter Nolan-Neylan
Daniel Hyde