We live in very uncertain times. How fragile the future seems amid this pandemic. Set against this, how certain is the Gospel? This is Christ’s message of good news, salvation from sin and peace with God in Him. The Gospel has been under terrible assault for some time now, with increasing denial, and demands to erase all traces of Him and His truth from our national life. So we need to ask the question, ‘Will the Gospel and the Church survive?’
When under attack the Lord Jesus Christ dealt with that very question and said this, ‘All that the Father (God) has given Me will come to me!’ God has a people who will come to Christ and know Him as their Lord and Saviour. Jesus also said that having come to Him in this way, it was impossible for them to be plucked from His hand. Such assurance and such certainty! God has decreed this and it will happen. Will the Gospel survive? – Yes!
Perhaps you are someone who is seeking to become a Christian. You read this and ask, ‘How will I know that I am one of His people and that if I come to God, I will be saved?’ The Lord Jesus answers your question, for He went on to say that ‘Whosever desires, let him (her) come. And whoever comes to me I will not cast out’ i.e. will not reject! There is your answer. If you are come to Christ in repentance and faith, asking Him to be your Lord and Saviour, He will save you!
It’s one coin but with two sides. On the one side, all are invited to come to Christ – the invitation is free. On the other side, we realise that He has, by His Spirit, in grace made us willing to come and granted us the gifts of repentance and faith. Have you come to Christ seeking salvation by His mercy and grace?
Ephesians 2 vs 8